A novice to the marathon and half marathon distances?
The average age of the runner/walker has increased to 40+.
The unequaled positive attitude boost, significant stress release and overall increase in vitality, focus and creativity are all reasons why people are starting to and continuing to run/walk.
To choose a goal whether it be getting off of the couch, 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Marathon or beyond, to finish will leave you feeling like a champion and your life will be changed for the better.
You can do it!
Let Jeff Galloway training programs guide you!

Justin and Melissa Gillette (husband and wife), winners of the 2014 marathon will be returning to defend their crown January 18.
Since the January 2014 event, Justin has been busy adding numbers to his marathon wins towards achieving his ultimate goal.
Melissa has attained her Doctorate in Biology and is researching Breast Cancer- investigating the factors that cause cancer to develop and spread.
